Saturday, May 28, 2011

My life just over a year ago...

Just a little over a year ago my life was absent of children. My entire adult life had consisted of being in a family with no grand kids or nieces and nephews around. I had no children of my own... my only sibling had no children and I had very few friends that had kids. I had always wanted to have kids but my reality was that it probably was not in the cards for me. Approaching 39 I had given up on having children of my own and was left to hope kids would be in my life in another way. Then I fell head over heals in love with a mother of 4! Wow... my quiet adult filled life was turned upside down.

This blog is an attempt to archive my adventures with Con, Q, EJ and Soy. They have changed my life in ways that I have no words for. Loving their Mom and then becoming their Bonus Mom has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. All of us started out as friends... and with time and lots of learning and loving we are now a family... No matter what the world or nay saying people may try to tell us... we are!

I hope this blog will be a historical recording that the kids and I can always look back on to see the good and bad times... to see growth and hope and love and life as it really was. And if you decide to follow us in our journey... well strap on your seat belt cause its gonna be a fun ride.

Until next time...


Bonus Mom